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“Don't be so shy,” I said, tapping the desktop with my fingernails in a fake display of impatience. He hurriedly looked around, as if to be absolutely certain there was no hidden camera anywhere, and then, with some difficulty, opened his baggy pair of shitty pants. “Ahh, nice,” I said, eyeing the already hard member, as it moved, head first, out of his boxer shorts. He was uncircumsized, and quite average looking, but I've seen whimpier cocks in my time, and so was satisfied enough, especially with his quick and hard response.I spread my legs again, now running my fingers slowly up and down the front of my panties, more to tease him than to actually pleasure myself. “You think you can get it even harder for me?” I asked, caressing my thighs.Slowly and nervously, he took it in his hand and began to stroke. “Ah c'mon,” I said, almost amused by his attempt. “Just jerk him off already. I can even give you something to help, so it'll go more smoothly.” I reached behind me and threw him a. He removed her shorts and panties first. He then feasted on the piazza girls twat. "Please stop" Lisa asked again, before she was caught up in a orgasmic shock wave that emanated from her clit.Frank grabbed the leg wax from the coffee table and announced it was time for the waxing. "So Melanie who will be first to have her pubic hair removed, you or Lisa". Melanie gave into cowardice and said "Lisa." Lisa shivered in terror as her legs were forced apart. They than applied the wax strips.Melanie felt her arousal soar as the wax strips were removed slowly, leaving Lisa's beautiful pussy bare. Lisa howled at the pain and fainted."Your next" Frank said evilly, as Jack forced her legs apart. The wax was applied and than removed. Melanie screamed, but did not allow herself the luxury of fainting, feeling that after she'd acted so cravenly, she owned it to Lisa to take the brunt of the next assault."I guess it time to fuck the enemy" Frank declared as he looked at the fainted form of Lisa..
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